Creatures of Another World

Goblin Meadow

I have recently started to make little creatures of the sort that hide in forests, practicing magic. I call them goblins; you may call them something else. Whatever they are, they are quite fun to make. I made the first one holding a lantern, venturing forward. The second was a wizard wielding a bent stick, and the third was a little guy roasting a drumstick over a fire. From there, I made a bookworm buried in a book of spells, wizards with crystal balls, etc. I am experimenting with different skin tones, poses, and props. The possibilities are many. I would like to start focusing more on details, especially in their facial expressions and clothing.

The lantern bearer
The green-skinned goblins, lantern bearer and coin hoarder
Hungry camper and cloaked wizard
The coin hoarder
Archer and stew-maker
Hobbler and ball-gazer
Wizard ball-gazer
Apprentices dedicated to their studies


Three goblins
Three goblins
Goblins with dagger and sword
Goblins with slingshot and bow
Creatures of another world
Creatures of another world

Happily Ever After

Prince and Princess Magnets
Prince and Princess Magnets

This magnet set includes a prince and princess on a mountain backdrop, a castle, and a dragon.

Prince and Princess Magnets
Prince and Princess Magnets

Christmas Ornaments: Santa and Penguins

This juggling, unicycling Santa Claus was a time-consuming project but he turned out quite well. Though I baked the juggling balls on the wire, I later had to superglue them in place. Eventually, we added a wire so that he could hang on a Christmas tree. Below, two penguins cuddle on an iceberg. I pressed the front of the iceberg into glitter before baking, giving it an icy shimmer.

Juggling Santa
Juggling Santa
Iceburg Penguins
Iceberg Penguins

All is calm, All is bright

Last Christmas, I made several cozy little nativity scenes for Christmas. Each unique set includes 10 handmade clay figures, about 1 and 1/2 inches in height: Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, a shepherd boy, a sheep, a donkey, a camel, and three endearing wise men. My husband helped me with the stable, made from natural sticks, pine needles, and wood, with a clay star. The wise men – with their colorful turbans – and the camels were my favorites to make.

nativity1 nativity2 nativity3

Personalized Snowman Families

Last Christmas, I had an order for four little snowman couples as ornaments. Each couple was based on real people, so the snowmen were personalized with small details to match (note the chihuahua, the playing card, etc.). The snowman arms are real twigs. My husband Josh helped me attach the wiring so that the ornaments hung properly on the tree.

Snowman families
Snowman families
Snowman families 1 and 2
Snowman families 1 and 2
Snowman families 3 and 4
Snowman families 3 and 4

Dragon Awakening

Dragons are great fun to sculpt. I usually start with the head, body and tail as one piece of clay, to which I add appendages. Then comes the fun part: a variety of intricate details such as eyes and eyebrows, horns, ears, teeth, claws, spikes, scales, wings, and textures. I will definitely be making more.

Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon
Scaly Purple Hatchling
Scaly Purple Hatchling